
Nadeem Khalid's picture

Harsh criticism of governance reforms in cricket

The decision by the governing body of cricket, the International Cricket Council (ICC) to give the ‘Big Three’ of cricket, India, England and Australia, a dominant position in the organisation is met by criticism from the sport’s stakeholders to Transparency International.

The decision was taken by the ICC board at a meeting in Singapore and supported by 8 of the 10 so-called Full Members who are controlling the organisation. Only Sri Lanka and Pakistan abstained.

Shahid Munir's picture

Cricket Goal and Objective Setting!

Goal Setting. Achievement/performance based.

Achievement: Motivation, long-term goals e.g. league/cup or short-term, win next match.

Take care: setting 'winning' over skill/team development.

Make: age/skill appropriate.

Must be: attainable/realistic but challenging.If goals are set too high it can be de-motivating.

Performance Goals: These are more under control of the young cricketer so more focus on these. Describe processes or actions that lead to achievement goals.

Shahid Munir's picture

Lesson Learned

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